Last week was a bit trying for me as I worked my way through some of my own personal and professional battles. As ironic as it sounds, even as a Career Coach, I sometimes have challenges with navigating my own career path and managing the challenges that come with being a solopreneur.  And I believe that it’s these types of experiences that keep me honest and add value to my work with others.

The good thing is once I become resolutely tired of being in my own way, I am usually able to use the same tools and strategies that I offer to clients to find my way back.

This time, I made a conscious decision to do some values work and, thankfully, that definitely helped me to shift.

So much so, that I decided to share this particular strategy with you today.

As we close out another year and move into the sweet space of reflection it is, indeed, the perfect time to give it a try.

So what did I do?

We all have certain intrinsic values that serve as our own personal GPS system or North Star. When we’re in alignment with them, we are able to move forward through life with relative peace, enjoyment and even ease. Conversely, when we’re out of alignment, nothing seems to really feel fluid and right.

With regard to my business, I’d allowed my external pursuits to sort of take on a life of their own and in the process, I’d started to detach from those values which are paramount and a necessary guiding force in my life.

So, I paused to remember what they are and reconnect. It was just that simple.

For me, my highest values are: Love, Compassion, Freedom (particularly of expression), Creativity, Simplicity and Peace.

And the decisions that I was making and my overall focus were anything but aligned with those values.

This is one of the first things that I work on with clients when engaging in anything, whether it’s a job search or leadership training. When we know our highest values, then we can successfully use them as a North Star to guide and direct our efforts.

Considering working with Company XYZ? How do your values align with those of the company?

Thinking about going for that promotion? Will you be able to stay true to your values if you land the position?

Trying to get your team to buy into a new idea and feeling some internal resistance? Are you in integrity with your own values?

imageedit_1_6725354067In my own situation, part of my challenge was making decisions about programs and offerings as I prepare for 2016. As I was pulling things together, my energy and approach left me feeling decidedly out of sorts and anxious.

So, by pausing to reflect on my highest values, I was able to do two things.

First, I was immediately able to see how my decisions and my mindset were out of alignment and adjust accordingly.

And secondly, by simply focusing on them, I was able to experience a huge vibrational shift.

It’s relatively impossible to reflect on values like “love” and “compassion” without experiencing a change of some sort but the more important factor is that these particular values feel like home to me. They remind of the point of it all.

This exercise helped me significantly and I know that it can serve you in a powerful way as well.

Reflecting on your values and becoming intentional about allowing them to guide you and your efforts will most definitely help to keep you grounded, centered and clear.

So, as you reflect on 2015, think about your own highest values and the degree to which you honored them this year. And then, move forward into next year with a resolve to honor them even more. Make them central to any goal setting that you do for yourself.

If you’d like to have some support in reconnecting with your values and aligning your career goals accordingly for 2016, I’d love to connect with you for a complimentary Career Strategy Session. No obligation. Just a safe space to explore.

Plus, if you schedule by Monday, Dec. 21st, I’ll provide you with a free coaching tool that will help you to determine your highest work values.

The session can definitely take place at a later date, it would just need to be scheduled by the 21st.

Use this link to schedule your appointment today:

Your North Star is twinkling bright and summoning you. Don’t make it wait!

OWNING CHANGE QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  “One is often so busy doing life that it is easy to avoid evaluating whether you are putting your energy in the direction you value most.” ― Deborah Day


Monica Moody

Monica Moody