Every once in a while we encounter individuals whose mere presence changes us in profound ways. Some are our chosen wisdom teachers, people like Thich Nhat Hanh, Reverend Deborah L. Johnson and Dr. Sue Morter, for me. But some, however, are “everyday folks” who land in our lives unexpectedly. This week, I encountered such an individual and her story was so impactful that I wanted to share it with you.

As I work to further develop my toolbox to aid in my work with clients, I am exploring the possibility of getting certified to facilitate a collaborative process called, “The Blueprint of We”. It’s a document based process that allows individuals to mindfully custom design both their business and personal relationships. I’ve used the process before and found it to be quite impactful.

As I was researching the company and the owners, Maureen McCarthy and Zelle Nelson, I stumbled across a video that highlighted Maureen’s personal life story. As it turns out, she has been diagnosed with a fatal disease – and yet, how she frames her experience is, by far, one of the most remarkable things I have witnessed.

You see, Maureen has a disease called LAM which has resulted in her having use of only about 10% of her lung capacity. But in spite of this, she proclaims herself to be one the happiest, healthiest and luckiest people alive.

I invite you to watch Maureen’s video here, which was produced by her 15 year old daughter. I assure you, it’s well worth the investment of your time.

These words from the video astound me:

“Nothing has any meaning, I’ve found, until I assign it meaning. I have to decide how I feel about everything. The moment I get in this sort of victim or frustrated state of mind, then it’s like the world just conspires to prove that I’m right and things become difficult. And when I believe that I have this amazing life and I choose the story that says, ‘Oh the rain. I love the rain!’ then the world conspires to prove that I’m right about that too… I realize that being a victim is always a choice.” — Maureen McCarthy

Workplace transformation is a personal vision and quest for me and I approach my work with the understanding that transformation starts at the level of the individual. Time and time again, I am amazed as I encounter individuals who are so very receptive to stepping into new levels of awareness as they choose to say yes to tools and perspectives that empower.

Simultaneously, I must also acknowledge that I periodically encounter individuals who are so preoccupied with the challenges that they face, that they don’t even know that a door called “freedom” exists.  They become consumed by adversity and sometimes even allow it to completely frame their identity.

And quite honestly, I believe that most of us have done this at times. For certain, I have. But, at least in this moment, I can say that Maureen’s example inspires me to get over myself … and without delay. I feel so fortunate to have encountered her and I am looking forward to having a conversation with her next week.

The commentary on Maureen’s video says that she’s teaching people how to create their own daily “get out of jail free” card and I believe that’s the perfect summation for her life and her work.

As I explored the dynamics of victimhood with someone recently, they explained that they had come to the realization that it’s impossible to be pitiful and powerful at the same time. Maureen demonstrates this in the most amazing way — and I’m happy to place her in the ranks of those  individuals whose mere presence on the planet has left me both changed and inspired.

“There are no facts, only interpretations.”  ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Why This Content?

So why on earth am I, as a Career Coach, talking about this kind of stuff? I explain to my one-on-one clients that our careers do not exist in a vacuum. Rather, they are reflections of what’s going on within us at the deepest levels. Having conversations about résumés, interviews, career transitions, etc. … yes, we cover it all, but in order to create authentic and sustainable success, we must be willing to explore the deeper dimensions that undergird our lives.

If you need some clarity and guidance in your career but you’re not interested in simply engaging in surface level strategies and conversations, then I invite you to schedule a complimentary Career Strategy Session with me. It’s your space to get guidance on how to manage your unique challenges and get clear on your next steps. Just follow the link to book your session today.

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Monica Moody

Monica Moody