My Story & My Grace-fueled Unfolding


or years, I was afraid to step beyond the boxes that had been laid out for me. Like most, I had embraced a body of beliefs that had been handed down to me through societal programming and conditioning; beliefs that ran counter to my own soul’s knowing. And I struggled.

I struggled in my relationships… financially… with my sense of self… and with believing in the power of my talents and gifts. And though I was smart and highly educated, on many days, I struggled with whether I even belonged.

Eventually this pain and struggle manifested into physical ailments, including two severe bouts with back pain and a mysterious illness that shook me to my core.

It is the wonder of the Universe that it will move heaven and earth to shake us out of the fear induced trance that plagues us.

Due to what I call, a “moment of grace”, in 2006, a door opened and I started to see who I was… beyond the stories I’d kept alive… beyond the beliefs that kept me cycling through painful patterns. I started to get glimpses of a rich inner world and the more I explored, the more I awakened to my own truths about who I was called to be.

Now, I walk through the world differently than I did before. I live in the realm of possibility, peace and power. And though every single day I am reminded of what it means to be human, my life is a beautiful reflection of my choice to follow the guidance of my own soul.

I stand in awe of the Universe and the complexities of the goodness that it holds and I am so grateful for my assignment to spotlight that good and illuminate it’s wonders.


or years, I was afraid to step beyond the boxes that had been laid out for me. Like most, I had embraced a body of beliefs that had been handed down to me through societal programming and conditioning; beliefs that ran counter to my own soul’s knowing. And I struggled.

I struggled in my relationships… financially… with my sense of self… and with believing in the power of my talents and gifts. And though I was smart and highly educated, on many days, I struggled with whether I even belonged. 

Eventually this pain and struggle manifested into physical ailments, including two severe bouts with back pain and a mysterious illness that shook me to my core.

It is the wonder of the Universe that it will move heaven and earth to shake us out of the fear induced trance that plagues us.

Due to what I call, a “moment of grace”, in 2006, a door opened and I started to see who I was… beyond the stories I’d kept alive… beyond the beliefs that kept me cycling through painful patterns. I started to get glimpses of a rich inner world and the more I explored, the more I awakened to my own truths about who I was called to be.

Now, I walk through the world differently than I did before. I live in the realm of possibility, peace and power. And though every single day I am reminded of what it means to be human, my life is a beautiful reflection of my choice to follow the guidance of my own soul. 

I stand in awe of the Universe and the complexities of the goodness that it holds and I am so grateful for my assignment to spotlight that good and illuminate it’s wonders.

“I would like to be known as a woman who teaches by being.” — Maya Angelou

What I Believe

#1: You are a creator.  And there are Universal forces available to support you in living the life you imagined. Hustling and grinding… not required. It’s time to allow the good with your name on it to find its way to your door, effortlessly. Your power is magnetic, not based on effort. We attract what we are. And what’s inside is reflected outside. This, beautiful one, is the seat of your power.

#2: The other good news is this… you don’t have to wait for anything outside of yourself to change before you can be free. Quite the opposite. You wield your power from within. And the internal shifts that you make will be reflected in your world.

#3: Ahhh… Grace. One of my very favorite subjects. I define grace as the unending favor and love of the Universe and it’s something that’s available to you because… you…. were…. BORN…. worthy. And as you learn to align with this stream of well-being, deliberately and with intention, your life and career will unfold beautifully and harmoniously, by grace. And so it is.

The Official Bio

With a heart for leading others towards their highest potential, Monica Moody is a guide and mentor for those who desire to recover and reclaim their authentic power, live with more intention and purpose and move through their lives, towards their goals and dreams, with greater ease and grace.

A Certified Life Purpose and Career Coach, Spiritual Writer, Leadership Development Consultant, and Trainer, Monica is the founder of Owning Change, an organization aimed at supporting the world with shifting towards love and grace. Through Owning Change, she works with individuals who are ready to awaken to new levels of leadership in their own lives, so they can live as the masterful creators and changemakers they were born to be.

Using the Owning Change Model of Transformation, Monica shares practical, spiritual wisdom and details a path towards self-liberation and personal mastery. She believes that, by learning to embody the essential soul qualities of self-awareness, authenticity, vulnerability, responsibility, compassion, resilience, humility, and grace, we can each reclaim our personal power and create a brave new world.